Moose Lake Dollars for Scholars is part of Scholarship America's national network of Dollars for Scholars chapters. We are a nonprofit, volunteer foundation, funded entirely by donations from community members, businesses, and alumni, that provides financial scholarships to graduating seniors to help make continuing education a possibility for students desiring to further their education.
In our community, our chapter has made a big impact on the lives of students. To date, we have awarded over $700,000 to graduating seniors going on to post-secondary education.
If you are interested in information about donating, click on the Donate Now tab at the top of the page.
To see who donated to our scholarship fund last year, click on the Our Partners link under Partners above.
If you are interested in volunteering for Moose Lake Dollars for Scholars, click on the Volunteers tab above.
For information about our scholarship and how it works, click on the Our Scholarships link under Who We Are above.


Moose Lake Dollars for Scholars - Moose Lake, MN  55767